


ECHAM6 T255L199 amip_r1i1p33 experiment description

The amip_r1i1p33 experiment starts 1976. Compared to amip_r1i1p31 only horizontal diffusion has been enhanced. Following parameter settings were used:

  • Cloud parameters:
    • cmfctop = 0.23
    • cprcon = 0.6e-4
    • zinhoml1 = zinhoml2 = 0.77
  • Horizontal diffusion:
    • dampth = 0.4
    • ihq(1:51) = 1 ~1.5hPa
      ihq(52:199) = 2
    • dift = 0.8 * difvo
    • above 70 hPa additional damping for the last ten waves (n = 246,247,...,255)
  • Orographic gravity wave drag parameters (Lott, 1999)
    • gkdrag = 0.2
    • gkwake = 0.2
  • Hines gravity wave parametrization
    • emiss_lev = 26
    • lrmscon_lat = .false.